Rome, July 24, 2024 - A meeting was held this morning at the Prime Minister's Office at Palazzo Chigi between Acciaierie d'Italia in extraordinary administration and representatives of the government and trade unions to discuss prospects for the revitalization of the Group's plants based on the restart plan presented by the extraordinary commissioners.
During the meeting, the crucial issues concerning the plants' production increase and employment continuity were addressed with great attention and sense of responsibility. What also emerged was the firm will of all parties to work synergistically to find concrete and shared solutions in order to preserve the strategic role of this industrial sector for the national economy.
In this regard, the commissioners explained to those present the restart plan aimed at restarting the plants, specifying that the program will run until the end of June 2026. Acciaierie d'Italia plans to commission the three blast furnaces installed at the former Ilva plant in Taranto (1, 2 and 4) in the first quarter of 2026. In detail, work will be done in the coming months first on blast furnace 1 and then on 2 by performing the maintenance they need.
In addition, the call for asset sales was presented at the end of the month to close the deal by the end of the year. The tender includes decarbonization obligations and is geared toward maximizing employment levels and seeking long-term investors capable of benefiting local territories and communities. In this regard, Acciaierie d'Italia in AS will monitor, as required by law, the obligations undertaken by the buyers in the business plan.
The commissioners confirm that they are proceeding with full compliance with the environmental plan as required by the 2017 Dpcm, which sets the production ceiling at 8 million tons/year. In addition, as previously stated, they have already provided in early June all the documentary additions requested by the Ministry of Environment in reference to the operation of the plants and the health impact assessment (Vis) at 6 million tons. Also AdI in AS confirms the ongoing activity aimed at preparing the study of the HIA at 8 million tons/year.
In addition, the commissioners stressed that the redundancy scheme for Acciaierie d'Italia workers in extraordinary administration will be functional exclusively for the restart plan. The use of social shock absorbers, in fact, was conceived and elaborated separately from the multi-year industrial plan and provides for a gradual decrease of affected workers (in a first phase amounting to 4,700), in line with the progress of the plan and until its completion.
For the technical definition of the start of the new layoff fund, a meeting between representatives of the procedure and labor organizations will be held tomorrow, July 25, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Labor.
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