

Acciaierie d’Italia is the greatest Italian steel company and cooperates with more than 1,500 direct suppliers of raw materials, energy, industrial products and replacements, in addition to a wide range of services.

We manage a complex distribution chain, taking challenges and capturing opportunities with the aim of sum up the difference in the market place.

To this end, all our suppliers have to be accredited through a qualification process that sets clear expectations in the fields of safety, health, relations with employees and the environment, requiring everyone to respect and comply with all existing laws, rules and regulations.

Accreditation procedures are therefore structured in order to evaluate the conformity of the potential supplier under each of all these dimensions, with a special attention to the reputational aspects.


Should you be interested in being included in the supplier register of Acciaierie d'Italia, you may submit your candidacy contacting the following email address: [email protected]